VCAP4-DCA exam blueprint now available
The VCAP4-DCA exam is currently going through the beta phase, invitations were sent out about a week ago and beta exams are being taken this week. At the same time, VMware also published the exam blueprint document, which as always will be THE most important document for an individual to download and digest when preparing themselves for this VMware exam.
The exam covers the following objectives:
- Implement and Manage Storage
- Implement and Manage Networking
- Deploy DRS Clusters and Manage Performance
- Manage Business Continuity and Protect Data
- Perform Operational Maintenance
- Perform Advanced Troubleshooting
- Secure a vSphere Environment
- Perform Scripting and Automation
- Perform Advanced vSphere Installations and Configurations
The blueprint confirms that the exam is based exclusively on live lab activities, with each lab consisting of a number of scored tasks. The exam will use the same 100-500 scaled scoring system as the VCP4 exam, although the passing score will only be set after the beta period. VMware will also set the time for the exam after the beta period. The exam code with Pearson Vue will be VCDA410, and registration for the final exam opens on July 12th.
Update on June 16th:
The content of the exam is very broad and very thorough at the same time, it looks as though the labs will be challenging, and that the VCAP4-DCA certification will be a very significant step-up from the now foundation-level VCP4.
Whilst VMware have not made it compulsory to attend any training courses to qualify for the VCAP4-DCA certification, the exam contains labs similar to those done during the following courses:
vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage and Manage Availability and Manage Scalability
vSphere: Fast Track
vSphere: Manage for Performance
vSphere: Troubleshooting
vSphere: Manage and Design for Security
vSphere: Automation with vSphere PowerCLI